For all information concerning COVID-19 and the CORONA pandemic, visit the Department of Health's website at

Makaula & Associates

Engineering Consulting Firm
  • Rolling Forecasts: A Business Imperative for 2014 and Beyond

    Aliquam varius semper odio, mollis dictum metus. Praesent ut nibh eget dui bibendum porttitor. Duis nec eros vitae arcu porta vestibulum.

  • Safety, Health and Environmental Consulting

    Occupational Health & Safety file and plan development, Construction site inspections, auditing and reporting, Risk assessments, Incident investigations, Permit to Work, Gas free testing, Confined space entry, Petroleum hazardous area work control, Working at heights, Contractor assitance with OHS compliance

  • Second Norway-South Africa Science Week to stimulate oceans science and economy

    The second Norway-South Africa Science Week will provide a platform for scientists, researchers, civil servants and business people from both countries to share best practices and policies to promote the sustainable use of ocean resources.

  • Structural Engineering

    Bridges and culverts, Water retaining structures, Masonry, steel and timber structures, Marine structures, Buildings (state, industrial, commercial and residential), Remidial work and maintenance

  • The Affordable Care Act and Your Budget

    Praesent nec lectus eu neque fringilla volutpat. Nulla tristique ullamcorper quam, ut dapibus massa hendrerit ac. Etiam a tempus lectus. Proin nibh nisi, vehicula non enim sed, venenatis faucibus orci. Fusce ut elementum nunc, vel eleifend sem.

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